
  • AGUNSA consolidates as a leader in railway projects


    Within the ‘Chile on Rails’ project promoted by the government, AGUNSA was awarded the logistic and port services of 66 state-of-the-art railcars, coming from China and that are part of the Bío Bío and Araucanía railway project.

    This award acknowledges AGUNSA’s vast experience in the management of railway projects in Chile, in which successful operations have been recently carried out in respect of lines 6 and 3 of Metro de Santiago, as well as other projects such as Merval and Rancagua Express.

    With the arrival of 2 shipments with the first 15 railcars, the operation was performed safely and within the schedule, including the carriage, transport within port premises, storage and discharge of the equipment in the port’s temporary storage area, from where they will be carried by rail to their final destination. The development of all the logistics was safeguarded by the company’s staff, with the support of the police and personnel from EFE [Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado], ensuring the journey lines and points.

    Company executives stated that they were proud of being part of the development of the country’s infrastructure and, moreover, the development of our regions, where we have also consolidated as the main logistics operator in this type of projects in Chile, thanks to the professionalism of a great work team.

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