
  • AGUNSA expands its infrastructure for its various storage services


    They began work last April enlargement Container Terminal AGUNSA

    This certification demonstrates that the processes of Gate in, Gate out, storage and repair of containers that are made in such deposits comply with international standards of traceability in each of its development stages, allowing the client to access documentation in an orderly manner, from the entry of container to the reservoir until departure.

    AGUNSA has container depots in Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Valparaiso, San Antonio, Talcahuano, Puerto Montt, Punta Arenas and Santiago. We are able to offer our customers wide coverage throughout the national coastline and offer quality service for conventional containers and / or chilled, which are transported overland to ports – warehouse and vice versa.

    This milestone is in addition to certification in other AGUNSA business units. OHSAS 18001 (occupational health and safety) has been certified for agency services, boats, maritime maintenance and unhooking of mooring lines for ships in port terminals, logistics services, operations and warehouse management, and distribution of heavy loads at the branch in Santiago.

    AGUNSA’s next challenge in this area is the ISO 9001: 2008 (quality management) in all of our national installations where it provides storage services.

    AGUNSA is a Chilean company founded in 1960 as a shipping agent, which has extended its services to ports, airports, logistics and transport, with coverage in America, Europe and Asia.

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