
  • AGUNSA inaugurates new Distribution Centre in Bogota-Colombia


    This new centre is in addition to others already in existence in the Americas, to attend to her customers who are looking for quality in storage solutions, Distribution and cargo handling for their products.

    This opening is the result of a relationship in existence since 2015 with its client Kellogg’s in Ecuador, which due to its good logistics performance indicators, as well as operational excellence, invited AGUNSA to participate in a tender in Colombia to carry out the operation in that country.

    The acquisition of this operation consists in the service of reception, storage, picking and dispatch of products, aligned with the supply chain of the client to have the best synchronization, differentiating itself from logistic competitors, achieving added value, and working hand in hand collaboratively.

    AGUNSA continues expanding its coverage in America with its distribution centres, with the objective of having a multinational service, but which respects the culture, the processes and local needs to respond to the requirements in each country.

    It should be mentioned that AGUNSA is a Chilean company created in 1960 as a shipping agent, which has extended its services into logistics, transport, ports and airports, with coverage in America, Europe and Asia.

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